All languages: Swedish English


Do you need assistance with using Zetkin? Find links to manuals, guides and our support forum here.

Manuals and guides

If you want to learn how to use Zetkin, our exhaustive manual is a good place to start. The manual also contains guides that take you through common tasks step by step. At the moment, the manual is only available in Swedish.

Courses and presentations

When you connect your organization to Zetkin, a full day course is included in the price. The course takes place in the venue of your choice, and includes material that you can use to further educate your organization officials.

The course contains both a hands-on part where you learn how to use Zetkin, and a more generalized, theoretical part on how your particular organization could improve your methods.

We can also offer tailor-made courses and presentations by experience Zetkin organizers on how to use Zetkin or activist methods in general.

Please contact us if you want to book a standard course or discuss one made especially for your organization.